On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 07:23:56PM -0500, Samuel Bronson wrote:

> I'm proposing a few things for addition to the debtags vocabulary:
> * devel::lang:erlang and implemented-in::erlang, for Erlang stuff
> * devel::lang:vhdl, for VHDL tools
> * devel::lang:verilog, for Verilog tools
> * devel::lang:TODO, for development tools for languages that do not yet
>   have their own "devel::lang:" tag.
> * works-with-format::diff, for tools that work with diff-format
>   patches. (Now if only we could apply debtags to commands and
>   subcommands within a package, then we could tag stuff like "git diff"
>   and "git am"...)
> I have a debtags patch to justify all but the Erlang tags and
> devel::lang:TODO; there are LOT of erlang-related packages, and TODO
> tags are rather meta.

devel::lang:TODO is definitely a good idea. It's rather meta indeed: I
reckon it makes sense to justify it by its need/use case, rather than by
the number of packages.

I've added devel::lang:TODO, devel::lang:erlang, implemented-in::erlang
and works-with-format::diff; those seem very much uncontroversial to me.
I've also sent your works-with-format::diff to the site after making
sure the site loaded the new version of the vocabulary.

I'm a bit less sure about Verilog and VHDL: I am not an electronics
expert; if I understand correctly that they are languages used to design
electronics rather than to write software, perhaps we are better served
by field::electronics (which exists) and perhaps new tags
works-with-format::verilog and works-with-format::vhdl?

The rationale for that is that the "devel::*" facet is specifically for
Software Development.

OTOH I see such things as "verilog compilers". OTOH there are such
things as povray and csound, which compile languages into something that
isn't software.

As I said, I don't know much about the field: I feel like I should raise
the issue, and I'm happy to stand corrected.



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