On 7/4/22 11:50 AM, John English wrote:
On 04/07/2022 16:21, Rick Hillegas wrote:
I'm afraid I don't understand your results. When I run your experiment, "2" is the name and label of the second column of the query "SELECT country,count(*) FROM customer GROUP BY country ORDER BY country". Does the following give you what you want:

   SELECT country,count(*) AS "count(*)" FROM customer GROUP BY country ORDER BY country

What I'm after if I have "x AS y" is a way of getting "x". I understood (incorrectly as it seems) that getColumnName() would give "x" and getColumnLabel() would give "y".

As far as I can tell from experiments, both methods ALWAYS produce identical results. So I'm no longer sure why two different methods exist.

As I understand the SQL Standard, the columns in query expressions (like SELECT statements) have "derived column names". The SQL Standard has no concept of a separate label name. The AS clause simply overrides the derived column name. The original authors of the ResultSetMetaData interface clearly imagined some distinction between getColumnName() and getColumnLabel(), but that distinction is not in the SQL Standard and it isn't clarified by either the ResultSetMetaData javadoc or the JDBC 4.3 spec. Maybe there is some corresponding distinction in the older ODBC spec which inspired the first JDBC spec.

In any event, as you've noticed, getLabelName() returns the same value as getColumnName() in Derby.

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