I work in ActiveMQ Artemis, and we have a series of tests that will
use derby memory, with the uri as

So, every test will have its own database, and we do that for
isolating the tests.

at the end of the test, we call destroy and shutdown of derby with:

   try {
   } catch (Exception ignored) {
      // it always throws an exception on shutdown

try {
} catch (Exception e) {

So, no matter how hard I try, there is always a memory leak from
DataStore being held at a HashMap, from VFMemoryStorageFactory:tables
I presume. Or there is a "leaked" list (a reference of a reference

I recently developed a framework / library to test and find for memory
leaks, and I have this reproduced here:


So, either I'm supposed to do something else in order to Derby to
remove the hashmap, or there's an actual leak.

So, I need to either identify what I'm doing wrong...

or if this is an actual issue, I need help to build derby and debug
the issue further.

I tried building with:

ant buildjars
mvn -f maven2/pom.xml install

( I need to consume derby in Maven, so I can test it in my process).

I wasn't sure this would be appropriate for the user's list as it
might be an actual bug that I need help with how to develop a fix.

References to obj[4]=TOSTRING(org.apache.derby.impl.io.vfmem.DataStore@4dbad37),
!-- FieldReference name='value'::=java.lang.Object
java.util.HashMap$Node.value on object
!--!-- arrayRef [Ljava.util.HashMap$Node;[5] id=@1883788127
!--!--!-- FieldReference name='table'::=transient
java.util.HashMap$Node[] java.util.HashMap.table on object
!--!--!--!-- StaticFieldReference public static final int
!-- arrayRef [Ljava.lang.Object;[4] id=@987950392
!--!-- Reference inside a method -
!--!-- Reference inside a method -

Clebert Suconic

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