On Mon, 2011-02-07 at 17:47 +0100, Jef van Schendel wrote:
> We've got two main ways to keep track of new tickets: we can either
> check the Trac page every day or get notified on IRC. The first one is
> boring, slow and clunky. The second one relies on people being present
> in the channel at the exact time a ticket is created.

We could also take time during meetings to go through some.

> However I believe there are a couple of teams who get new tickets
> reported to their mailing list. I think Marketing is one of these? Can
> we start using the same function? I don't want new tickets to be
> forgotten and leave the reporters without so much as a response.

We have a separate mailing list for tickets so as to not clutter this
list -

Does it make sense to have two or should they be merged?


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