Hi folks,

Sorry for the delay in response here - the last 24 hours have not been fun.

Trying to address the main bits of feedback here:

1. The original issue that Michael Catanzaro reported (Matrix->IRC PM going missing) was a legitimate bug in the bridge.  The bridge is meant to display an error if you try to talk to an absent IRC user; this was fixed today and will be deployed tomorrow: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc/pull/978. Sorry that you got bitten by this :(

2. In terms of: "We currently have loads of garbage IRC users in the channels after the bridge hosted at matrix.org was replaced with one hosted at the gnome.org homeserver." - I thought we'd cleared this up in the days following the migration, and this is the first I've heard of it still being a problem.  It sounds like the old bridge created IRC users on the Matrix side, and then the new bridge bridged them back over to IRC.  It should be trivial to kick out the old bridge's IRC users - please can you give me an example channel/room where this is happening to look at?

3. In terms of bridge performance: we set up a dedicated bridge and server for gnome.org powered by modular.im back in April 2019.  The bridge got put live, but the server was never publicised because we never got a greenlight to announce its existence (plus the go-live was eclipsed by some unrelated security dramas on the matrix.org homeserver).  As a result, the majority of users have been using the bridge via the public matrix.org server, which is (unfortunately) often overloaded thanks to the exponential growth we've been dealing with. However, if folks were actually using the dedicated GNOME server, then it would be an *excellent* experience - much like the one that Mozilla is enjoying currently.  It's worth noting that we provided the GNOME server for free because we want to support the project, but the running costs are significant - it's been very frustrating that the server has not been used.  (It seems that some people have found it anyway over the course of today, to quote someone in #general:gnome.org: "OMG the IRC bridge is SO much faster on this instance.").  I'm hoping that we can get a greenlight to point people at the Gnome.org server, as right now the situation is indeed terrible and it's hurting Matrix's reputation as well as hurting GNOME :((

4. Mozilla *are* running their homeserver federated (as of this week) - c.f.https://twitter.com/littledan/status/1227603567722319873 <https://twitter.com/littledan/status/1227603567722319873>. They're countering abuse by using the arsenal of anti-abuse tooling we've been working on over the last year as per https://matrix.org/docs/guides/moderation/ and https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/blob/msc2313/proposals/2313-moderation-policy-rooms.md etc.

You may also be interested that the core Matrix team is starting to look seriously at the work going on around Fractal, particularly around E2E encryption, to accelerate E2E encryption for Rust clients in general.  Specifically, we're porting pantalaimon (the Matrix daemon which offloads E2E encryption) from Python to Rust, and we hope that the resulting official E2EE-capable Matrix Rust SDK will be directly usable by Fractal and help the project along massively as a first class native Matrix GTK client (assuming they want to use it! :)

So, TL;DR: we've had a solution to much of the Matrix<->IRC problems since April 2019, we just need to actually use it.

I'm sorry this has taken so long to sort out - I genuinely hadn't realised that things were so bad.



On 13/02/2020 20:28, Carlos Soriano via desktop-devel-list wrote:
Hi folks,

We been in contact with Matthew from Matrix for some time already. I lately didn't have much time to invest on this, so we had have some delays on answering. However, it's our expectation that with the set up that we have right now the IRC bridge should perform as its best, as we are using servers from modular.im <http://modular.im>, the company that maintains paid severs with matrix services on them. We believe our set up is correct, but there might be some miss configuration somewhere, or the current situation it's already the best that can be offered.

We'll update you as soon as we have more information.


On Thu, 13 Feb 2020 at 17:16, Michael Catanzaro <mcatanz...@gnome.org <mailto:mcatanz...@gnome.org>> wrote:

    On Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 4:15 pm, Britt Yazel <bwya...@gnome.org
    <mailto:bwya...@gnome.org>> wrote:
    > Attached is an image of the compact mode + dark theme. Just for the
    > record.

    The thing is, it really comes down to personal preference. I
    suspect we
    have a lot of people who like web clients, and a lot of people who
    don't. With open protocols like IRC, XMPP, or Matrix, where lots of
    client choice exists, you can use whatever you prefer. It's no
    if you don't like any particular client because you can just use a
    different one.

    Myself, I like to see GNOME clients: polari, dino, fractal, chatty.
    They look good next to our other apps, and vindicate the potential of
    our desktop platform. But if we're going to have a web client, at the
    very least do it using WebKitGTK, like Revolt does, to stick with
    technologies and avoid bundling Electron.

    I'll also suggest: whatever we use, it'd be nice to select something
    with the potential to become a widely-accepted standard, like IRC
    to be. Chat has become a failed disaster area of fragmented walled
    gardens, and when we have a choice between an emerging standard
    and yet
    another silo, I think there's tremendous value in choosing the


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