On Thu, 2005-12-22 at 03:31 -0800, Dan Kegel wrote:
> http://lwn.net/Articles/165205/


We have been sponsoring Xgl development here at Novell.  David Reveman
has been devoting a large portion of his time to Xgl for the last
fifteen months or so.  As far as I know, we are the only company (ie
David is the only person) that has been doing significant work in this

For the first 10 or 12 months of development, there was no material
outside contribution to Xgl.  Xgl is one of the possible ways of getting
advanced graphics into Linux, and other approaches were/are being
discussed in the community.  In August, we wanted to make some
significant developments and we decided to focus on getting Xgl to a
largely functional state as fast as possible, without external drag.
There are some specific corners we decided to cut (Don't wait for
standalone EGL in the kernel, we're running Xgl on top of GL/X).  And of
course we don't mind getting credit for the work either.

Obviously, had there been a huge amount of interest from outside
contributors, we wouldn't have made that decision.  But there wasn't.
It's great that so many people want to contribute now.  That is a new
development, and a positive one.

As for the future, David has been planning to clean up what he's working
on now and get it in a functional/mergeable state.  The plan is to get
it working and merged as soon as possible, but he's shooting
specifically for XDevConf, which is in early February.

We'd like to make a splash with something that is largely functional.
That way, the world will take notice of Xgl in a big way and Novell can
get some credit for having been by far the principle sponsor of this
development for more than a year.  I think this is fair, and it isn't
very long for anyone to wait.


P.S. Amusing to see everyone citing a time-restricted LWN article on
this topic.  Which I have no problem with; more power to LWN.  But oh,
the irony. ;-)

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