Am 03.05.24 um 18:22 schrieb Mark Thomas:
The proposed Apache Tomcat 11.0.0-M20 release is now available for

Apache Tomcat 11.0.0-M20 is a milestone release of the 11.0.x branch and has been made to provide users with early access to the new features in Apache Tomcat 11.0.x so that they may provide feedback. The notable changes compared to the previous milestone include:

- Add OpenSSL FFM classes to tomcat-embed-core.jar

- Refactor HTTP header parsing to use common parsing code and fix
   non-blocking reads of chunked request bodies including trailer fields

- Add more timescale options to AccessLogValve and

For full details, see the change log:

Applications that run on Tomcat 9 and earlier will not run on Tomcat 11 without changes. Java EE applications designed for Tomcat 9 and earlier may be placed in the $CATALINA_BASE/webapps-javaee directory and Tomcat will automatically convert them to Jakarta EE and copy them to the webapps directory. Applications using deprecated APIs may require further changes.

It can be obtained from:

The Maven staging repo is:

The tag is:

The proposed 11.0.0-M20 release is:
[ ] -1 Broken - do not release
[X] +1 Alpha  - go ahead and release as 11.0.0-M20

+1, builds fine (on RHEL8 using JDK22).

Tested via unit test suite on RHEL 6, 7, 8 and 9 and SLES 11, 12 and 15 using latest patch levels of JDK 17, 21, 22 from Adoptium Temurin, Zulu Azul, Amazon Coretto, Oracle and RedHat (the latter only on RHEL) plus JDK 23 EA 18. A total of 91 test runs.

Also ran the few relevant tests for all of these platforms and JVMs in combination with tcnative 1.3.0 and 2.0.7 built with OpenSSL 3.0.13, 3.1.5, 3.2.1 and 3.3.0. A total of 728 test runs.

Finally ran the relevant tests with JVMs 22 and 23 plus panama for the same four OpenSSL versions. A total of 124 test runs.

Apart from the usual sporadic tcnative crashes during shutdown (running with 2 test threads) all was fine:

- org.apache.coyote.http2.TestLargeUpload FAILED (crashed)
      1 oracle_jdk17-rhel8.x86_64-tcnative-2.0.7-300-1
      1 rh_jdk21-rhel7.x86_64-tcnative-1.3.0-330-1

- FAILED (crashed)
      1 oracle_jdk21-rhel8.x86_64-tcnative-1.3.0-330-1
      1 zulu_jdk21-sles11.x86_64-tcnative-2.0.7-330-1

- FAILED (crashed)
      1 amazon_jdk17-sles15.x86_64-tcnative-1.3.0-300-1
      1 zulu_jdk17-rhel7.x86_64-tcnative-2.0.7-320-1

- FAILED (crashed)
      1 rh_jdk17-rhel8.x86_64-tcnative-1.3.0-310-2
      1 amazon_jdk21-rhel9.x86_64-tcnative-2.0.7-310-2
      1 oracle_jdk21-rhel8.x86_64-tcnative-1.3.0-330-1
      1 oracle_jdk21-sles12.x86_64-tcnative-2.0.7-310-2
      1 rh_jdk21-rhel7.x86_64-tcnative-1.3.0-320-1
      1 adopt_jdk22-sles12.x86_64-tcnative-1.3.0-310-2
      1 oracle_jdk22-rhel8.x86_64-tcnative-1.3.0-320-1

- FAILED (crashed)
      1 amazon_jdk17-sles11.x86_64-tcnative-2.0.7-320-1
      1 oracle_jdk22-sles12.x86_64-tcnative-2.0.7-320-1

Best regards,


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