
when using OpenType fonts with beta 0.29, all lines are typeset
at the same height, thus overlapping each other. This does not
happen with T1 fonts nor with beta 0.27.0.

I have attached the PlainTeX test file as well as the result in
0.27 and 0.29.

Thanks in advance,

Attachment: OverlappingLines_27.log
Description: OverlappingLines_27.log

Attachment: OverlappingLines_27.pdf
Description: OverlappingLines_27.pdf

Attachment: OverlappingLines_29.log
Description: OverlappingLines_29.log

Attachment: OverlappingLines_29.pdf
Description: OverlappingLines_29.pdf

Attachment: OverlappingLines.tex
Description: OverlappingLines.tex

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