On 9/11/17 10:08 AM, Henri Sivonen wrote:
What kind of style would have the maximum stack frame size? Is
display: table-cell enough to trigger the worst case?

I suspect that display:table-cell is the worst case, but at only about 70% confidence.

That said, I can't think of a worse case offhand.

Also, now that a stack overflow crashes the content process but not
the whole browser, a limit that's small enough never to overflow the
stack even with worst-case styling probably leads to worse user
experience than a higher limit that could crash the content process
with worst-case styling but that causes emails to render in the common

That's possible, yes.

64-bit Ubuntu-shipped Chromium 60 and 64-bit Google-shipped Chrome 60
on Windows 10.

OK. I think the XML parser stack depth limit is back in 61...

I guess I should add some JS that computes the DOM depth.

That would certainly be useful data, if you are willing to do it.

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