On Thursday 16 August 2012, olli hauer wrote:
> My my intention comes from the FreeBSD ports system.
> We do not use the bundled apr/apr-util from apache, there we use
> apr / apr-util as own port. (Perhaps with apr-1.4.6 and
> apr-util-1.5 in a view weeks).
> This separation allows us to use an actual apr/apr-util and the
> user to build apr with different backends, but then we do not have
> enough information in the apache port to construct build params
> and dependency lists ...

I don't understand what problem you are trying to solve. The apache 
port should not need any different build params or dependency lists 
depending on which dbd backends are available. Having a dependency on 
the apr-util port and calling apu-1-config should be enough. Or do you 
have to list all of apr-util's dependencies in the apache port, too? 

> As workaround I can implement this together with a function which
> lists DBD backends as local patch but I prefer upstream support.
> If there is interest I can spend some more time to extend
> apr/apr-util.

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