I tally 9 +1 to change to default reply-all semantics,
and one +/-0 ENOCARE vote.  No votes against.

Jeff, would you care to execute the decision with a jira
ticket for apmail, or would you like me to execute?



On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 10:08 PM, William A Rowe Jr <wr...@rowe-clan.net>

> I know we are facing an org-wide change of MLA's, but
> in the meantime...
> It's been debated a number of times in the past (far, long
> distant past) but @apr lists operate disjointly with other
> projects, httpd for certain, unknown how subversion is
> currently configured.
> At least three significant replies in the past few weeks
> landed in the personal email space that were meant for
> the list.  If we respond to a list-post, I expect to reply
> to the list, although I understand the caution that one
> might intend to reply directly to the poster.  That breaks
> the spirit of collaborative discussion and should be the
> alternate, not the default choice.
> So I'll ask this once more for the first time in 10 years...
> [ ] Keep reply-to-poster default reply semantics
> [ ] Change to reply-to-list default reply semantics
> Operational choice, not an implementation debate,
> therefore not subject to vetoes... please chime in...

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