Actually, while doing the same thing, but with the 1.52 release, it worked!

Unfortunately, I cannot swear I didn't change anything in MSVS setup, but I 
don't think I did... maybe inadvertedly somehow...

From: Oleg Sivokon
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 2:38:16 PM
To: Gregg Smith;
Subject: Re: Linking with libapr-1.lib on MS Windows using MSVC 19

> No not really, but this gives me problems trying to build x86 on a x64
> computer so I just remove it from

> Just to make sure this is not an oversight: I'm on a x64 and am trying to 
> build x64, no 32-bit is desired.
> !IF [$(COMSPEC) /c cl /nologo /? \
>         | $(SystemRoot)\System32\find.exe "x64" >NUL ] == 0
> ARCH=x64 Release
> ARCH=Win32 Release

Removing these lines made no difference

> Are you using the VS20xx x64 Native Tools Command Prompt?

Yes, I tried MSVS 2017 and MSVS 2015, should I try even earlier versions?

> If all else fails I believe you can bypass
> nmake /f libapr.mak cfg="libapr - x64 Release"

This gives the exact same error (although, this time the executable that 
produces it isn't the rc.exe, but link.exe)

More information that might help / shed some light:

I was trying to convert worspace files into solutions, but it failed completely 
for all projects.  Unfortunately, MSVS doesn't produce any intelligible 
reports, just "failed".

I also tried to run nmake on apr-util Makefile, but it complains about syntax 
error in line 91, which reads:

!IF "$(XML_PARSER)" == "libexpat"

Is this symptomatic of anything?

But, in all honesty, I would really, really, want to avoid touching MSVS at 
all.  Personal preferences aside, I want this project to run in automated 
testing environment, and the very thought of having to deal with MSVS invokes a 
lot of painful memories...



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