Actually, i think this problem should be already raised by others, for it is 
obvious enough. But i visited Calcite gitHub, and can not find issue list, so i 
sent this email. Yes, Calcite is using Jira for issues, i got.

Given Calcite implements the interfaces of ResultSetMetadata, ResultSet and so 
on, it should return the real columnName or columnLabel from SQL, not the 
parsing expr(?) which is somewhat... strange to users. When i first got the 
result `EXPR$0`, i doubted whether my program went wrong?

Recently, i am exploring Calcite, and i’d like to do some contributions to 
Calcite community if i can. But.. for a new one, it seems difficult.


 Juan Pan
Juan Pan(Trista), Apache ShardingSphere

On 09/29/2019 14:48,Danny Chan<> wrote:
There is already a JIRA issue to trace this problem[1], maybe we can move the 
discussion to there.


Danny Chan
在 2019年9月29日 +0800 AM11:39,Juan Pan <>,写道:

Hi everyone,

I executed SQL `select count(*) from tb1` through Calcite and 
resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnName(i) in my project. But the result is 
`EXPR$0` not `COUNT(*)`.

Is there any way to get real columnName?

Thanks for your attention.


Juan Pan
Juan Pan(Trista), Apache ShardingSphere

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