>Definitely would simplify some of
>the RM steps for a release.

I've recently added GitHub Actions config to test Apache JMeter for Windows
and macOS.
So far I'm impressed.

* It starts quite fast. Appveyor might take 2-3hours to even start the
Actions start very fast, and it does catch Windows-specific issues like
CRLF, "un-ability to remove a file that is not closed" and "un-ability to
remove a read-only file"

* It always fetches all the refs from the Git repository (not just
master+pr, but it fetches even gh-pages branch) which causes issues like
https://github.com/junit-team/junit5/issues/2048 . It is fixable, but the
defaults are odd.
* Caching seems to be not there. Dependencies seem to be downloaded on each
* There's a lot of jitter. JMeter does have several tests like
"thread.sleep(200) + assert actual duration", and they fail way more often
in Actions.
* GitHub Actions is likely unavailable for the forked repositories. In
other words, I cannot easily use Actions in my fork repository. I can use
Travis, and Calcite's travis.yml works for my repository. However, if
Calcite migrates to Actions, then forks would be harder to test (PR would
be required).


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