I agree this should be in rng.

Does rng duplicate all of the lang APIs such that we can deprecate the lang


On Tue, Dec 6, 2022, 09:36 Alex Herbert <alex.d.herb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Currently the [rng] sampler package can only shuffle primitive int[]
> arrays:
> o.a.c.rng.sampling.PermutationSampler:
> public static void shuffle(UniformRandomProvider rng, int[] list)
> public static void shuffle(UniformRandomProvider rng,
>    int[] list,
>    int start,
>    boolean towardHead)
> I would like to be able to shuffle other arrays such as double[].
> There is actually this functionality in [Lang] o.a.c.lang3.ArrayUtils.
> However it uses java.util.Random for the random source, and does not
> support a sub-range, e.g.
> public static void shuffle(final byte[] array)
> public static void shuffle(final byte[] array, final Random random)
> I suggest an API that requires UniformRandomProvider and can handle
> sub-ranges as:
> public static void shuffle(UniformRandomProvider rng, int[] data);
> public static void shuffle(UniformRandomProvider rng, int[] data, int
> from, int to);
> Or (similar to java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange):
> public static void shuffleOfRange(UniformRandomProvider rng, int[]
> data, int from, int to);
> This can be repeated for all 8 primitive types and generic type T.
> I suggest putting this in the sampling package but under what class?
> Note that all public class names in the sampling package currently end
> in Sampler. I would suggest ArraySampler.
> Note there is currently a ListSampler which has generic methods to
> return List<T> samples from a list, and shuffle lists. So adding
> ArraySampler with only shuffling would be missing equivalent sample
> methods. Consistency would require adding 8 variations of sample and a
> generic one:
> public static double[] sample(UniformRandomProvider rng,
>     double[] array,
>     int k) {
> public static <T> T[] sample(UniformRandomProvider rng,
>     T[] array,
>     int k)
> I have no use case for this but can add it for completeness.
> Alex
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