On 01/28/2016 09:03 AM, Pierre Smits wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> I am planning to attend the FOSDEM on Saturday and as I had some leftover
> swag from Apachecon EU I intended to bring that as well. Should I now toss
> that, or do you still want to have that to hand out when you run out of the
> new stuff?

You can bring it along if you like. We can possibly use it as a backup
if/when we run out of the new swag, which we will rather quickly (it's
FOSDEM after all...!).

Sally has indicated that it's "okay" to give away the old swag, but
would prefer we stick with the new logo as much as possible. So if it's
stickers etc, we probably don't need it, but if it's something else, it
may still prove useful.

With regards,

> Best regards,
> Pierre Smits
> ORRTIZ.COM <http://www.orrtiz.com>
> OFBiz based solutions & services
> OFBiz Extensions Marketplace
> http://oem.ofbizci.net/oci-2/
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 8:48 AM, Daniel Gruno <humbed...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On 01/27/2016 04:39 PM, jan iversen wrote:
>>> Sent from my iPad, please excuse any misspellings
>>>> On 27 Jan 2016, at 13:05, Roman Shaposhnik <ro...@shaposhnik.org>
>> wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 4:04 AM, Daniel Gruno <humbed...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 01/27/2016 01:02 PM, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
>>>>>> I'm now FOSDEM-bound and hope to see many of you
>>>>>> in a couple of days.
>>>>>> One thing that still bothers me, though, is that our
>>>>>> booth schedule is pretty tentative (well it says so ;-))
>>>>>> So... how do we do this? Do we just get together on
>>>>>> Sat morning and figure out who can be there when
>>>>>> exactly?
>>>>>> Also, when's exactly booth setup?
>>>>> Setup is at 9am on Saturday. The conference starts at 10, which gives
>> us
>>>>> about an hour to set things up. And yeah, the timeslots are tentative,
>>>>> as we're not 100% sure who will show up. If more projects join in,
>> we'll
>>>>> have to squeeze 'em a bit, but otherwise, the schedule is as is.
>>>> Cool! I'll be there on Sat 9am and we can get it going from there.
>>> See you all saturday. I just landed at my hotel (have a hackaton before
>>> rgds
>>> jan i.
>>> ps. Daniel just saw your wiki change (a bit late), I will just leave
>> them in the hotel.
>> Yeah, we juuust got a new logo right before FOSDEM, and Sally asked if
>> we could debut it there. So no need for the old stickers anymore - we
>> managed to get some new ones processed very quickly.
>> I didn't make the wiki change till the new logo was official, as we
>> didn't want to bring the new swag etc if we couldn't get the new logo
>> public in time.
>> With regards,
>> Daniel.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Roman.

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