On 02/03/2016 10:00 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
> I second this. Thanks to everyone who was at the table! Some reflections on 
> my own experience:
> * We got many positive responses to the ASF story and the stories of those 
> few projects that were present. 
> * Lots of people asked about Apache Mesos, that wasn't represented.
> * All the swag was gone. And would've been gone on day one if we hadn't 
> rationed it. Need more for the next year.

Note that this is true for every event. There's a science to determining
who gets something and who doesn't. No matter how much we take, we need
to ration it carefully, or we're just throwing money away.

> * Quite a lot of people haven't heard about Apache at all (I guess mostly 
> young people).

This is great feedback, because this is why we need to be at FOSDEM
every year, to make the message heard to a younger generation.

> * Another big group of people only knows "Apache the HTTPD server". I thought 
> with Hadoop and other big projects here this should not longer be the case.

The thing we need to solve with Hadoop (and other "famous" projects) is
to get the word out that it is Apache Hadoop. Everyone knows about
Hadoop, but seldom think of it as Apache Hadoop. FOSDEM is one
opportunity to address that.

A few years ago we talked about having tri-fold brochures for each
project, starting with the "famous" ones and working from there, talking
about what they do, and emphasizing that they are part of the Apache
project family. Perhaps rather than brochures, a rotating slidedeck that
we can show on a monitor at the booth? Anyways, something to make that
message clear. We've got a year to work on this, if we stay focused on
this issue.

> I'll send a separate email on a few contacts that we made.
> Andrus
>> On Feb 2, 2016, at 10:44 AM, Rich Bowen <rbo...@rcbowen.com> wrote:
>> On 01/14/2016 04:55 PM, Claude Warren wrote:
>>> Do we have a table at FOSDEM?  Is there a list of times that need to be
>>> covered?  I will be there and can volunteer a bit of time.  Also, any plans
>>> for a get together?
>> An enormous thanks to everyone who put in time at the ASF booth, even
>> though I only had a chance to talk with a few of you. It was good to see
>> old friends and new ones, and to get the word out about the ASF.
>> -- 
>> Rich Bowen - rbo...@rcbowen.com - @rbowen
>> http://apachecon.com/ - @apachecon

Rich Bowen - rbo...@rcbowen.com - @rbowen
http://apachecon.com/ - @apachecon

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