Craig L Russell wrote on 9/1/23 2:28 PM:
I recently sent a PR for the site and nothing happened. No one reviewed. No one 

Link? There's only one open PR (not from you), and the most recent closed PR you submitted was closed quickly by sebb.

Just trying to ensure we're all talking about the same repo.

The does provide fairly decent description about how to make changes, although we don't define CTR or RTC or other policies. I'd opt for CTR since getting volunteers interested is more important than avoiding potential mistakes.

Personally, I'd like to see us adopt a modified Incubator concept, where any Apache committer can simply asked to be made a ComDev committer, and the PMC will turn on commit for ComDev repos too. That should be sufficient for most cases, without needing to special case our repos for all committers ever.

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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