On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 8:29 PM, Noah Slater <nsla...@tumbolia.org> wrote:
> Hey,
> As part of the release procedure, this is a request to update the roadmap 
> document:
>        http://couchdb.apache.org/roadmap.html
> Please comment on what should be added, and what should be removed.
> After a we reach consensus, I will update the roadmap.
> Thanks,
> Noah

This a quick summary of what have been proposed on this thread. If I
forgot one, sorry, and don't hesitate to update :) I'm not sure all of
this is in jira. But maybe once they are, we could extract a roadmap
from it ?

*) New tasks:
- Support for compressed attachments
- authorization per database
- a global notification handler which would allow an indexer (or
anything else) to listen changes without opening a connection per db.
Some work started here
- Better RFC 2616 compliance: some work started, couchdb webmachine
branch on github and other commits
- Windows support for compaction
- design doc refactoring: work started by jchris
- Account's tab for Futon

*) Old tasks that could be removed from the roadmap :
- Continuous replication
- Pure tail-append storage
- Update API to parse client requests in JavaScript
- Cookie authentication support
- Windows build supports

Date for 0.11: 1/02/20010

- benoit

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