> I think what you say has merit, but it doesn't jibe with my
> understanding of our implementation in a logical way. I'm ready to
> ship the basic programming model we have - it maps cleanly onto the
> underlying infrastructure (less abstraction can be a good thing).

With respect, I think we're actually talking about the same thing :-)

You've already said that it may make sense to lump _readers and _admins into
_security. If so, then I think this is what you would get:


You've also suggested adding some more granular capabilities, such as
_replicators and create-only (dropbox).  Then _security would become:


Now, the top-level keys there are exactly what I called "rights", and would
be enforced in erlang by check_is_admin, check_is_reader,
check_is_replicator etc.

You can keep the data structure exactly like that. All I'm offering is that
you *could* turn the structure on its head like this:


I prefer this format because all the rights for one user/role are in a
single place; consequently it's easier to remove all access for a user.

The other benefit is that Futon can also display application-specific rights
without being confused by other stuff at the top level of the _security
object; and, if extra couchdb rights are added, Futon doesn't need to

For example, it would be hard for Futon to display the extra 'doctors'
rights from this:


("doctors" having significance in validate_doc_update and _show/_list)
because it wouldn't know which of "doctors" and "hmac_key" should be
displayed as an ACL.  But if you restructure it as


then futon can show that jim is a doctor, and allow the doctor right to be
added to other users.

The functionality is ultimately the same though, so I'm not wedded to the
second format.



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