Turns out we just need to add -DNOTEST to the erlc calls when building
mochiweb or define -define(NOTEST, 1). early enough
The former seems the best option.

My autotools-fu is about zero (ok, it's exactly zero) but I guess a
tweak to src/mochiweb/Makefile.am to include this setting in addition
to the $(ERLC_FLAGS) would do it, but I don't now if that's kosher.


On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 9:36 PM, Gabriel Farrell <gsf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 12:03 PM, Gabriel Farrell <gsf...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I didn't have erlang-eunit installed. Once I apt-get it,
>> `./configure`, `make`, and `make install` run without errors, but an
>> attempt to start up couch produces the attached error report.
> It appears that error was caused by files in /usr/local/ left over
> from 1.0.1. Another `make install` after an `rm -rf` of
> /usr/local/lib/couchdb and /usr/local/etc/couchdb gets me up and
> running.
> Gabriel

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