For those who want to get a jump on things, Linux binary packages and the apache/couchdb docker image are now available, and this has been filed:

-Joan "all on a Thursday" Touzet

On 17/09/2020 17:29, Joan Touzet wrote:
Dear community,

The Apache CouchDB 3.1.1 release is ready to go. There will be a short delay while we wait for the Apache mirror system to sync up.

I plan to make the announcement at:

     18.09.2020  17:00 UTC

I will use these release notes:

You can track the status of the Apache mirror system here:

Please make any necessary preparations.

Joan Touzet

P.S. I've lost access to the Symantec/Digicert code signing service for Windows installers again, so the Windows installer will be delayed until that is completed. See for progress.

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