On 28/09/2021 10:53, Nick Vatamaniuc wrote:
> Thanks for taking a look, Joan
> I just highlighted the docs in the email diff but the tarball should
> contain the differences and they should match the differences between
> the 3.1.1 and 3.1.2-RC1 tags in git.

Got it. I missed the -documentation part of the URL.

Tested on Windows. Checksums confirmed. Signature matches, but Nick you
need to get yourself to a key signing party! :D

> gpg: Good signature from "Nicolae Vatamaniuc <vatam...@apache.org>" [unknown]
> gpg:                 aka "default <vatam...@gmail.com>" [unknown]
> gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
> gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.

I have a repeatable error on make check:

    Error: false
Trace back (most recent call first):

 52:47: test/javascript/test_setup.js
 41:5: test/javascript/tests\replicator_db_bad_rep_id.js
 88:5: test/javascript/tests\replicator_db_bad_rep_id.js
 50:5: test/javascript/cli_runner.js
 63:1: test/javascript/cli_runner.js

However, because the JS test suite is finally all gone in 3.2/3.x, and
no one else is reporting this failure on Linux, and the new eunit tests
pass, AND because this part of the code didn't change, I'm going to
chalk it up to weirdness and ignore it.

Windows package installed locally and verified functional thru the
Fauxton wizard:

Apache Software Foundation"}}


> Regards,
> -Nick
> On Mon, Sep 27, 2021 at 8:36 PM Joan Touzet <woh...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Nick, that diff shows documentation only. Something seems wrong with
>> this release.
>> Recommend we hold the vote until this can be cleared up?
>> -Joan
>> On 27/09/2021 08:53, Nick Vatamaniuc wrote:
>>> Dear community,
>>> I would like to propose that we release Apache CouchDB 3.1.2
>>> Changes since 3.1.1
>>> https://github.com/apache/couchdb-documentation/compare/3.1.1...3.1.x?expand=1
>>> This is a minor release where we backport a few features from the
>>> pending 3.2 release to the 3.1.x branch.
>>> We encourage the whole community to download and test these release
>>> artefacts so that any critical issues can be resolved before the
>>> release is made. Everyone is free to vote on this release, so dig
>>> right in! (Only PMC members have binding votes, but they depend on
>>> community feedback to gauge if an official release is ready to be
>>> made.)
>>> The release artefacts we are voting on are available here:
>>>     https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/couchdb/source/3.1.2/rc.1/
>>> There, you will find a tarball, a GPG signature, and SHA256/SHA512 
>>> checksums.
>>> Please follow the test procedure here:
>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/COUCHDB/Testing+a+Source+Release
>>> Please remember that "RC1" is an annotation. If the vote passes, these
>>> artefacts will be released as Apache CouchDB 3.1.2
>>> Please cast your votes.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Nick

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