On 29/10/2021 09:52, Adam Kocoloski wrote:
Ah! That .asf.yaml configuration is neat, thanks for pointing it out.

Good point on the source releases — do you have anything in particular in mind 
when you talk about making it simpler for the community at large?

Sorry, that . should be a , :

this could be made simpler for the community at large, with documentation on 
how to test these applications independently of CouchDB.

meaning just make the release process easier to vote on. Not knowing anything about those apps, I'd want docs on how to put it thru its paces to feel right about voting on it. If we're happy with just passing unit tests, then that's that.

Nick also writes:

Regarding releases, anyone can clone these repos and use them, but I
guess we cannot say they are ASF project "releases". Is that a correct
interpretation? Not sure if adding a disclaimer to the docs might
help, too.

Anyone can clone and use CouchDB today too! Doesn't stop us from doing proper releases on it. If you want to call them valuable enough to be standalone things, and release them on Hex as binaries, then we should do the right thing and treat them as first-class citizens. And with good docs we can make this as painless a process as possible for everyone, modulo having to use svn to upload the tarballs after voting.


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