Hi Andrew,

>> The "self-contained database" feature is targeted at unexperienced
>> users,
> OK, now here is where I have a concern, self-contained databases have a
> whole list, imo, of  benefits  for developers targeting small businesses
> and in-house developers at small businesses (SB).

Okay, I should have been more precise. Base is targeted at the famous
SOHO (single office / home office) market, and in my understanding, this
also includes scenarios in small businesses, and even small workgroups
in larger businesses (which, as far as small database applications are
concerned, aren't too different from smaller businesses).

So, I see us on the same line here.

Still, the original item was about schema support. I know for sure that
when I had my first database experiences, I wouldn't have known what
"schemas" are, what they're good for, and how to use them. They would
only have added an additional level of complexity which I didn't need at
that time. I claim that this holds true for most novice users coming to
databases. I think for those, we should keep it as simple as possible,
and as powerful as necessary. IMO, this excludes schema support, in the
first run.

One might think about different expert levels, and exposing the full
power of the engine to the real experts only. However, I don't see this
as an urgent task - there's other more important things to do. See below.

> If I as a developer do my job correctly then from the users stand point
> it dosen't matter if they are 'unexperienced or not', they will never
> actually be digging around at the database object level. They will be
> thinking in the business object level.

At the moment, Base doesn't really offer you everything you'd need for
this. As very basic issue, it doesn't allow you to specify a form to
open automatically, which means every user which opens a database is
immediately confronted with the default UI, which is only very little
customizeable (by you). (I suppose this is what you meant with "auto-run

Not to mention that IMO, "forms as text documents" have advantages in
some cases, but certainly the disadvantage that you can hardly use them
to create a dialog between your application and your users. This
requires, well, dialogs, not text documents.

This, for instance, is something I'd see as more important: Give you, as
the developer, the possibilities to really "do your job correctly", in
the sense you said this above. At the moment, we're not there, yet, but
I hope we can improve on this for 2.x.

This is what I would like to focus for 2.x: Make Base capable to create
database-driven "solutions" or "applications" or however you would call
this. This includes the auto-run forms, dialog-base forms, reasonable
scripting support, perhaps a more comprehensible form API, and much more.

> Now if they, users, are going to start creating databases applications
> for themselves. Then they will by definition, and by temperment quickly
> become NOT unexperienced users.

Depends on how difficult it is :).
I mean, you can stay unexperienced for a while, as long as the
application is good enough to still allow you to create fairly complex

So, my priorities here would be: Improve the application, so that people
can work with it without too much database knowledge, and then improve
(or expose) the export core functionality.

> Anyway, I know that the road of development for 2.0 is already taken,
> but 2.01 is still just a twinkle in the eye, right.

2.0.1 will most probably be a bug fix release only (as was every x.y.*
release so far), so don't expect big features there.

> So,as a now self employeed developer, no longer with the budgets of the
> corporate commercial software world at my disposal and tageting the SB
> environment, under 50 users, I am hoping OOo can give me a tool just
> close to as good as MS Access has been. And do so in the embedded
> database format.

I definately want to give you this tool :), but we cannot do the second
step before doing the first one.

> Oh and Please, Please events at the database file level

What is "events at the database file level"?


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Database                   http://dba.openoffice.org -
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