Hi Folks!

While working on adding tools to handle potential FileBased
StoreFileTracker issues to HBCK2 (HBASE-26624
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-26624>) I ran into multiple
problems I'm unsure how to solve.

First of all the tools would rely on files not yet available in any of the
released hbase artifacts. I tried to solve this without changing the hbase
dependency version to keep HBCK2 as hbase version independent as possible,
but none of the solutions I have found looked acceptable:
 - Pushing the logic to the hbase side (as far as I can tell) is not
feasible because it has to be able to repair meta which is easier when
hbase is down and the tool should be able to run without a working hbase.
 - The files tracking the store content are serialized proto objects so
while replicating those files in the operator tools is possible, it would
not be pretty.

Bumping operator tools to use hbase 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT (branch-2 has the SFT
changes) would mean that now we need that or a newer version to build the
project and a version check to avoid runtime problems with the new tools,
but otherwise this looks rather painless and backwards compatible. I know
operator tools tries to avoid having a hbase-specific release, but having
2.6 as a min version to build against might be acceptable.

While looking into this I also checked what needs to be done to make
operator tools work with hbase 3.0.0-alpha-3-SNAPSHOT. Most of the changes
are backwards compatible but not all of them and the ones that aren't would
make a big chunk of Fsck unusable with older hbases. For me that looks
acceptable since this is a major version change, but that would mean I can
not rely on a potential HBCK3 to fix SFT issues, I would also need a
solution for HBCK2.

I tried to look for plans/direction regarding the new 1.3 operator tools
but could not find any.

Do you think it would be possible to bump the hbase version it uses to
Do you think it would make sense to start working on a hbase3 compatible
branch or is it too early?

I'm aware hbase does not publish SNAPSHOT builds for years, but I do not
know how the internal build system works and if these artifacts would be
available for internal builds or not. I also do not know if necessary could
they be made available.

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