Hi everyone

I am writing to inquire about the current state of support for Accumulo in
Hive, particularly with regard to its testing and stability. Furthermore, I
would like to discuss the possibility of deprecating Accumulo in an
upcoming release(4.x) unless there are specific plans or use cases that
warrant its continued support.

Few questions I have are: Has it been actively maintained and tested to
ensure compatibility with recent changes in Hive and Accumulo? Are there
any known issues or limitations that users should be aware of? It would be
helpful to understand the level of support and reliability we can expect
when working with Hive and Accumulo integration.

Considering the rapid development on both Hive and accumulo side and the
need to focus development efforts on widely adopted and actively used
components, I believe it is essential to periodically reassess the
inclusion of such features. In this context, I would like to discuss the
potential deprecation of Accumulo in a future Hive release.

If Accumulo lacks widespread adoption or if its integration with Hive is
not sufficiently tested and stable, deprecating it could streamline
development efforts and allow for increased focus on other critical areas
and stable Hive release. However, I understand that there might be specific
use cases or plans that necessitate its continued support. If this is the
case, I would appreciate a brief understanding of such scenarios.

Please share your insights, recommendations, and any pertinent information
regarding the same.

I look forward to hearing views on this.
Akshat Mathur

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