In confluence, page names should be unique in a given space. As I see,
Apache Hive has its own space.
And now comes the tricky part: with 4.0 documentation, we didn't create a
new space, just a 4.0 parent page. We create a copy of existing pages under
the umbrella of this page:

The problem is the unique naming of pages: it would make sense to keep the
page names the same as in the older documents but unfortunately, we cannot.
So we try to create names that are almost the same, or just delay the
Two examples:
- AdminManual Installation
became Manual Installation
- Hive Schema Tool
<>became Copy
of Hive Schema Tool - [TODO: move it under a 4.0 admin manual page, find a
proper name]

I feel multiple issues with that: Consistency is gone. And also, I'm not
sure how it can support search engines. Also, it can be confusing for
people who want to use the wiki pages.

I was thinking about different solutions. Creating a Hive 4.0 space in
Confluence can solve the problem of page uniqueness. But doesn't address
the issue of searchability and ease of use.

We can also keep the current one but in that case, it would be recommended
to figure out a great naming convention about the pages.

At this point, my best idea is to move to an engine that has better offers
to document a software product. For example, Iceberg uses Hugo. It is a
markup-based engine, it can be kept in source control and pretty fast.
Example page:

What do you think of that?

Thank you,

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