Hi Tom,

I tried on Debian 7 and 8 both x64

To see your configure options would help a lot.

The missing symbol is in the lib.

mario@sasuke:~$ whereis libssl.so
libssl: /usr/lib/libssl.a /usr/lib/libssl.so

mario@sasuke:~$ readelf -s /usr/lib/libssl.so | grep "SSL_CONF_CTX_free"
   531: 0000000000053700    34 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   11 SSL_CONF_CTX_free
   901: 0000000000053700    34 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   11 SSL_CONF_CTX_free

mario@sasuke:~$ readelf -s /usr/lib/libssl.so | grep "SSL_CONF_CTX_finish"
   532: 00000000000536f0     6 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   11 SSL_CONF_CTX_finish
   327: 00000000000536f0     6 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   11 SSL_CONF_CTX_finish


On 27 May 2015 at 15:29, Tom Browder <tom.brow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mario, I did get it working, but I did have a bit more effort to make
> the latest openssl work.  Taking a quick look at your blog I believe I
> can help, but I'll explain my solution in a follow-up message so this
> thread is on the public mailing lists.
> I feel I must explain that I'm using a Debian 7, 64-bit server.  It
> might help if we could know your server info as other architectures
> may require more or other tweaks.
> Finally, the best I can probably do is show you my configure options
> which may conflict with yours.
> Best regards,
> -Tom

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