On 3/9/23 05:30, Eric Covener wrote:

On Wed, Mar 8, 2023 at 11:02 PM BUSH Steve <steven.b...@3ds.com 
<mailto:steven.b...@3ds.com>> wrote:


    I used our test template for the rule when I e-mailed just now, but once it 
is converted to the apache httpd.conf format, the actual rule appears in the 
httpd.conf as:____

    RewriteRule ^/zoology/animals/reset/(\d+)$ "/auth/launchjob?Number of 
Records=$1&__poolid=animal-magic" [B,PT,L,QSA]

Thanks for the report.   Time will tell, but I think this is a very fringe 
case. The space isn't a backreference (where `B` would have fixed it) and a 
literal with a space in the substitution has to be quite rare (famous last 

I wonder how many websites might have a snippet similar to:

RewriteRule ^/search/(.*)$ /search.php?term=$1 [PT,L,QSA]


    I just looked at the mod_rewrite.c source differences from 2.4.55 to 2.4.56 
and it’s clear that the use of spaces in the query string of the mapped URL are 
the cause of the 403 forbidden messages.____

    __ __

    We can update our httpd.conf mapping code, so it won’t be a problem for us, 
but it might be worth updating the mod_rewrite documentation on this?____

Maybe we can slip an additional entry into the changelog.
I think in this case, for now at least, we'd primarily rely on the error_log 
entry. Did this produce the new AH10410?

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