Hi Erik,

It's not clear ot me that it's safe to access the Kafka consumer or producer 
concurrently from different threads. There are data structures that aren't 
protected by locks, so I wouldn't necessarily expect accessing and mutating 
them in a concurrent way to work. This is true even if the accesses happen at 
different times, because modern CPUs require memory barriers to guarantee 
inter-thread visibilty of loads and stores.

I am writing this is without doing a detailed dive into the code (I haven't 
been into the consumer / producer code in a bit.) Someone who has worked more 
on the consumer recently might be able to give specific examples of things that 
wouldn't work.

I know that there are at least a few locks in the consumer code now, due to our 
need to send heartbeats from a worker thread. I don't think those would be 
sufficient to protect a client that is making calls from random threads.

There has been some discussion of moving to a more traditional model where 
people make calls to the client and the clients passes the given data to a 
single background worker thread. This would avoid a lot lof the footguns of the 
current model and probably better reflect how people actually use the client.

Another issue is that neither the producer nor the consumer is fully 
nonblocking. There are some corner cases where we do in fact block. From 
memory, the producer blocks in some "buffer full" cases, and the consumer 
blocks sometimes when fetching metadata.

I suspect it would be more appropriate for Kotlin coroutines, Zio coroutines 
and so on to adopt this "pass messages to and from a background worker thread" 
model  than to try to re-engineer the Kafka client ot work from random threads.

There is actually somed good  advice about how to handle multiple threads in 
the KafkaConsumer.java header file itself. Check the sections  "One Consumer 
Per Thread" and "Decouple Consumption and Processing." What I'm recommending 
here is essentially the latter.

I do understand that it's frustrating to not get a quick response. However, 
overall I think this one needs a lot more discussion before getting anywhere 
near a vote. I will leave a -1 just as a procedural step. Maybe some of the 
people working in the client area can also chime in.


On Thu, Jul 6, 2023, at 12:02, Erik van Oosten wrote:
> Dear PMCs,
> So far there have been 0 responses to KIP-944. I understand this may not 
> be something that keeps you busy, but this KIP is important to people 
> that use async runtimes like Zio, Cats and Kotlin.
> Is there anything you need to come to a decision?
> Kind regards,
>      Erik.
> Op 05-07-2023 om 11:38 schreef Erik van Oosten:
>> Hello all,
>> I'd like to call a vote on KIP-944 Support async runtimes in consumer. 
>> It has has been 'under discussion' for 7 days now. 'Under discussion' 
>> between quotes, because there were 0 comments so far. I hope the KIP 
>> is clear!
>> KIP description: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/chw0Dw
>> Kind regards,
>>     Erik.
> -- 
> Erik van Oosten
> e.vanoos...@grons.nl
> https://day-to-day-stuff.blogspot.com

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