Hi Hudeqi,

Kafka already emits the version metric. Can you check whether the below
metric satisfies your requirement?



On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 2:29 PM hudeqi <16120...@bjtu.edu.cn> wrote:

> Hi, all, I want to submit a minor kip to add a metric, which supports to
> get the running kafka server verison, the wiki url is here
> Motivation
> At present, it is impossible to perceive the Kafka version that the broker
> is running from the perspective of metrics. If multiple Kafka versions are
> deployed in a cluster due to various reasons, it is difficult for us to
> intuitively understand the version distribution.
> So, I want to add a kafka version metric indicating the version of the
> current running kafka server, it can help us to perceive the mixed
> distribution of multiple versions, and to perceive the progress of version
> upgrade in the cluster in real time.
> Proposed Changes
> When instantiating kafkaServer/BrokerServer, register `KafkaVersion` gauge
> metric, whose value is obtained by `VersionInfo.getVersion`. And remove all
> related metrics when kafkaServer/BrokerServer shutdown.
> best,
> hudeqi

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