Thanks for the feedback so far! I think pretty much all of it is
reasonable. I'll reply to it inline:

> 1. All the API logic is granular at the Task level, except the
previousOwnerForPartition func. I’m not clear what’s the motivation behind
it, does our controller also want to change how the partitions->tasks
mapping is formed?
You're right that this is out of place. I've removed this method as it's
not needed by the task assignor.

> 2. Just on the API layering itself: it feels a bit weird to have the
three built-in functions (defaultStandbyTaskAssignment etc) sitting in the
ApplicationMetadata class. If we consider them as some default util
functions, how about introducing moving those into their own static util
methods to separate from the ApplicationMetadata “fact objects” ?
Agreed. Updated in the latest revision of the kip. These have been moved to

> 3. I personally prefer `NodeAssignment` to be a read-only object
containing the decisions made by the assignor, including the
requestFollowupRebalance flag. For manipulating the half-baked results
inside the assignor itself, maybe we can just be flexible to let users use
whatever struts / their own classes even, if they like. WDYT?
Agreed. Updated in the latest version of the kip.

> 1. For the API, thoughts on changing the method signature to return a
(non-Optional) TaskAssignor? Then we can either have the default
implementation return new HighAvailabilityTaskAssignor or just have a
default implementation class that people can extend if they don't want to
implement every method.
Based on some other discussion, I actually decided to get rid of the plugin
interface, and instead use config to specify individual plugin behaviour.
So the method you're referring to is no longer part of the proposal.

> 3. Speaking of ApplicationMetadata, the javadoc says it's read only but
theres methods that return void on it? It's not totally clear to me how
that interface is supposed to be used by the assignor. It'd be nice if we
could flip that interface such that it becomes part of the output instead
of an input to the plugin.
I've moved those methods to a util class. They're really utility methods
the assignor might want to call to do some default or optimized assignment
for some cases like rack-awareness.

> 4. We should consider wrapping UUID in a ProcessID class so that we
the interface (there are a few places where UUID is directly used).
I like it. Updated the proposal.

> 5. What does NodeState#newAssignmentForNode() do? I thought the point was
for the plugin to make the assignment? Is that the result of the default
It doesn't need to be part of the interface. I've removed it.

> re 2/6:

I generally agree with these points, but I'd rather hash that out in a PR
than in the KIP review, as it'll be clearer what gets used how. It seems to
me (committers please correct me if I'm wrong) that as long as we're on the
same page about what information the interfaces are returning, that's ok at
this level of discussion.

On Tue, Nov 7, 2023 at 12:03 PM Rohan Desai <> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I'd like to start a discussion on KIP-924 (
> which proposes an interface to allow users to plug into the streams
> partition assignor. The motivation section in the KIP goes into some more
> detail on why we think this is a useful addition. Thanks in advance for
> your feedback!
> Best Regards,
> Rohan

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