Thanks for the KIP Shashwat. Closing this testing gap is great! It did come up a few time already...

One question: why do you propose to `extend MockProcessorContext`?

Given how the actual runtime context classes are setup, it seems that the regular context and fixed-key-context are distinct, and thus I believe both mock-context classes should be distinct, too?

What I mean is that FixedKeyProcessorContext does not extend ProcessorContext. Both classes have a common parent ProcessINGContext (note the very similar but different names), but they are "siblings" only, so why make the mock processor a parent-child relationship?

It seems better to do

public class MockFixedKeyProcessorContext<KForward, VForward>
  implements FixedKeyProcessorContext<KForward, VForward>,

Of course, if there is code we can share between both mock-context we should so this, but it should not leak into the public API?


On 3/11/24 5:21 PM, Shashwat Pandey wrote:
Hi everyone,

I would like to start the discussion on

This adds MockFixedKeyProcessorContext to the Kafka Streams Test Utils

Shashwat Pandey

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