+1 also for me. If we communicate this clearly this will give us a fresh start 
that is totally coherent with the apache migration.

If it's ok for you, I can take care of starting writing down a short article to 
explain the situation. For now I'll put it on a shared Google docs so everybody 
could comment and edit it before publishing. By the way, do we have a place 
where to publish this and other article in future? Is the old Kie blog still ok 
or do we need something different?

If we all agree on this, the next step to be taken for what regards our code 
base is branching the current main branches and apply to the new ones the 
openrewrite migration scripts one last time, so we could all finally working on 
a proper Quarkus 3 integration. Is there any volunteer to do this? I'm not 
totally familiar with those migration script and even less with the CI 
implications, but I'm available to help for what I can. Please let's coordinate 
on this asap.


On 2023/10/19 04:55:28 Tibor Zimányi wrote:
> +1 from me. Makes sense. 
> Best regards, 
> Tibor
> Dňa 18. októbra 2023 22:49:48 SELČ používateľ Alex Porcelli 
> <porce...@apache.org> napísal:
> >This new email thread aims to formalize the proposal that has emerged
> >during the recent discussions in the Quarkus v3 thread started by Mario [1].
> >
> >The proposal consists of the following items for the first Apache KIE
> >podling release:
> >
> >1. Have all repositories of Apache KIE aligned in a single version 10.x
> >
> >2. The 10.x stream will only cover Jakarta 10 and forward (Quarkus 3 and
> >SpringBoot v3).
> >
> >Suggested steps:
> >
> >1. Communication: Write a blog post about the Apache move, including a
> >section on what's expected to change, mentioning the versioning
> >re-alignment on 10.x, and focusing on Jakarta 10 only moving forward.
> >
> >2. Keep working on CI to get the current 8.45/1.45 ready to be released.
> >Although we don't plan to release a .45, throwing more changes in the CI
> >work doesn't make sense before having a basic baseline ready to be released.
> >
> >3. Once we are "ready" to release 8.45/1.45, we branch it but won't release
> >
> >4. We upgrade all repos to 10.0.0 and apply the OpenRewrite directly into
> >that for the last time.
> >
> >5. We fix the remaining issues on main caused by OpenRewrite open issues.
> >
> >6. We run sanity tests to ensure that 10 will work as expected with Quarkus
> >3
> >
> >F.A.Q.
> >
> >Q: Why align everything on 10?
> >A: Simplify the message and better align with the Apache KIE proposal that
> >defines Apache KIE as the project and other brands as sub-modules.
> >
> >Q: If we have 8.45/1.45 ready to release, why not release it before moving
> >to 10?
> >A: This is also to be clear on communication and message. Having a single
> >release of 8.45/1.45 in Apache and right away, moving to 10 is very
> >confusing.
> >
> >Q: Why use 10 and not 9?
> >A: As pointed out by Mario in the Quarkus thread [1][2], we already had a
> >9.44.0.Final release. Recycling it would break semantic versioning.
> >
> >[1] - https://lists.apache.org/thread/lz4bkrdlrfvx2ktppl7o735hq9g7f8jx
> >[2] - https://lists.apache.org/thread/lbyorkyfsd3rng48z3pjhn10pwm2b0hm

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