Hi folks,

First of all, thanks very much for the efforts on roundcube, i love this webmail and use it everyday :-)

Since I'm a LDAP user, I was interested in having the JpegPhoto support, so I coded it on my svn copy of roundcube. I give you my patch, hoping that it will be useful.

(PS : I generated the patch using "svn diff" command, but it did not attach the file "./program/steps/addressbook/ldapjpegphoto.inc", so I joined it to this mail too, and sorry for my bad english, i'm french).

See you

Pierre Mauduit

Attachment: ldapjpegphoto.inc
Description: Binary data

Index: program/include/rcube_ldap.inc
--- program/include/rcube_ldap.inc	(révision 360)
+++ program/include/rcube_ldap.inc	(copie de travail)
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
   var $base_dn;
   var $bind_dn;
   var $bind_pass;
+  var $search_res;
   // PHP 5 constructor
   function __construct()
@@ -148,6 +150,8 @@
         $sr = @ldap_read($this->conn, $base, $filter, $attributes, 0, $limit);
       if ($sr)
+        $this->search_res = $sr;
         if ($sort && $scope !== "base")
           if (is_array($sort))
Index: program/localization/fr/labels.inc
--- program/localization/fr/labels.inc	(révision 360)
+++ program/localization/fr/labels.inc	(copie de travail)
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
 // LDAP search
 $labels['ldapsearch'] = 'Recherche dans répertoires LDAP';
+$labels['jpegPhoto'] = 'Photographie';
 $labels['ldappublicsearchname']    = 'Nom du contact';
 $labels['ldappublicsearchtype'] = 'Correspondance exacte ?';
 $labels['ldappublicserverselect'] = 'Sélectionnez les serveurs';
Index: program/localization/en_US/labels.inc
--- program/localization/en_US/labels.inc	(révision 360)
+++ program/localization/en_US/labels.inc	(copie de travail)
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
 // LDAP search
 $labels['ldapsearch'] = 'LDAP directory search';
+$labels['jpegPhoto'] = 'Photo';
 $labels['ldappublicsearchname']    = 'Contact name';
 $labels['ldappublicsearchtype'] = 'Exact match?';
 $labels['ldappublicserverselect'] = 'Select servers';
Index: program/steps/addressbook/ldapsearchform.inc
--- program/steps/addressbook/ldapsearchform.inc	(révision 360)
+++ program/steps/addressbook/ldapsearchform.inc	(copie de travail)
@@ -163,12 +163,15 @@
   if ($CONFIG['ldap_public'][$server_name]['fuzzy_search'])
     $exact = isset($_POST['_ldap_public_search_type']) ? true : false; 
-  // perform an ldap search
+  // we need index name of the ldap server in order to search on the expected server ...
+  $CONFIG['ldap_public'][$server_name]['server_name'] = $server_name;
+  // perform an ldap search  
   $contacts = rcmail_ldap_contact_search($search_value, 
   // if no results, show a warning and return
   if (!$contacts)
@@ -185,7 +188,7 @@
   $attrib['cellspacing'] = 0;
   // define list of cols to be displayed
-  $a_show_cols = array('name', 'email');
+  $a_show_cols = array('name', 'email', 'jpegPhoto');
   // create XHTML table  
   $out = rcube_table_output($attrib, $contacts, $a_show_cols, 'row_id');
@@ -204,26 +207,28 @@
   global $CONFIG;
-  $attributes = array($server['name_field'], $server['mail_field']); 
+  $attributes = array($server['name_field'], $server['mail_field'], 'jpegPhoto'); 
   $LDAP = new rcube_ldap();
   if ($LDAP->connect($server['hosts'], $server['port'], $server['protocol']))
-    $filter = "$search_field=" . ($exact ? $search_value : "*$search_value*"); 
+    $filter = "$search_field=" . ($exact ? $search_value : "*$search_value*");    
     $result = $LDAP->search($server['base_dn'],
     // add any results to contact array
     if ($result['count'])
-      for ($n = 0; $n < $result['count']; $n++)
+	for ($n = 0; $n < $result['count']; $n++)
         $contacts[$n]['name']   = $result[$n][$server['name_field']][0];
-        $contacts[$n]['email']  = $result[$n][$server['mail_field']][0];
-        $contacts[$n]['row_id'] = $n + 1;
+        $contacts[$n]['email']  =    $result[$n][$server['mail_field']][0];
+//	$contacts[$n]['jpegPhoto'] = $result[$n]['jpegphoto'][0];
+	$contacts[$n]['jpegPhoto'] = '<img alt="jpegPhoto" src="?_task=addressbook&_action=ldapjpegPhoto&_dn='
+		.urlencode($result[$n]['dn']) . '&_srv='.$server['server_name'].'" />';
+	$contacts[$n]['row_id'] = $n + 1;
Index: index.php
--- index.php	(révision 360)
+++ index.php	(copie de travail)
@@ -341,6 +341,9 @@
   if ($_action=='ldappublicsearch')
+  if ($_action == 'ldapjpegPhoto')
+     include ('program/steps/addressbook/ldapjpegphoto.inc');

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