Hi there,

I've having problems with DefaultArtifactCollector events when scopes
are being updated.  The scenario in question is as follows:

   p -> a
   a -> c:test, b
   b -> c:compile

This resolves as follows:

1) c:test's scope is broadened to compile
2) p -> a -> c:test is disabled in preference to p -> a -> b -> c:compile

Firstly: (1) I understand; (2) why is the farthest node chosen over
the nearest?  Does updating the scope logically mean that the normal
nearest-wins conflict resolution is simply reversed?  From what
digging I've done, I assume this is to do with MNG-1895, but I can't
see any mention of this behaviour in the "Dependency Mediation and
Conflict Resolution" wiki page.  Can anyone expand on this?

Secondly: Assuming the above behaviour is correct, should the
OMIT_FOR_NEARER event fired in line 232 of DAC not reflect this
swapping over of nodes?  Currently, if the scope is updated then the
nearest node is disabled, otherwise the farthest node is disabled; but
in *both* situations the OMIT_FOR_NEARER event is fired with the
farthest node being replaced by the nearest.  This sounds wrong to me.

Any insights welcome,


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