
I have received a few questions regarding the publish and change process of
the website at http://mxnet.incubator.apache.org/. Basically the process is
as follows:

Every night, the job at [1] downloads the current state of the master
repository and executes the script located at [2]. The output is then
picked up by the job at [3] and pushed to our repository at [4], which is
mirrored to an ASF-repository and automatically published to the website.
But there is one important catch during this publish-step:

Every time the results get pushed to this website-repository, a 'rm -rf *;
git rm -r *" is being executed, leading to all manual changes on the
repository at [4] being overridden. This behaviour was copied from the old
CI hosted under Apache Infra. I can only guess, but my bet for this design
decision was probably to ensure consistency between the website and the
docs in the MXNet main repository.

So what does this mean for the community? In fact, PRs to the repository at
[4] have no effect. Instead, please create a PR at [5] in order to get the
changes actually published to the website.

@Committers: Please decline any PRs at [4] and ask contributors to submit
them to [5].

Best regards,

[1]: http://jenkins.mxnet-ci.amazon-ml.com/job/incubator-mxnet-build-site/
[3]: http://jenkins.mxnet-ci.amazon-ml.com/job/incubator-mxnet-publish-site/
[4]: https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet-site
[5]: https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet

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