
If you feel that the documentation generated from the annotations at the top of your custom processor class (@CapabilityDescription, etc., of which Bryan spoke) is insufficient, it's also possible to supplement it with


You write it in simple HTML with embedded CSS. By your user, it's reached via a hyperlink on the (standard) processor usage page put there when the framework notices that you've supplied it (directory name including package path, filesystem location, etc. are crucial).

I do this for almost every last custom processor I write as a favor to my downstream flow writers.



On 4/4/23 08:54, Matthew Baine wrote:
Hi Bryan,

Sorry, on a separate note, what would be the best way to set up Usage Documentation for a custom processor?


We can't seem to get this right with the information online and on the Nifi developer guide ( Our custom processors seem to only publish documentation of the native processors.

Kind Regards,

On Tue, 4 Apr 2023 at 13:54, Matthew Baine <> wrote:

    Hi Bryan,

    Sorry for the delayed response, and thank you so much for the

    We will attempt the advised approach and revert if we run into any

    Thanks again!


    On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 at 16:49, Bryan Bende <> wrote:


        This might not give you exactly what you want, but the Minifi
        already has the ability to transform the JSON snapshot from
        there are actually two commands:

        "transform" - for XML templates
        "transform-vfs" - for versioned flow snapshot (JSON from
        registry) [1]

        It doesn't pull the snapshot from registry directly, so you
        would have
        to script something to download the snapshot and then run




        On Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 10:22 AM Simeon Wentzel
        <> wrote:
        > Dear Nifi dev team
        > Can you add extended functionality to the MiNiFi toolkit to
        extract a flow
        > from the NiFi Registry software and convert it to the
        appropriate conf.yml
        > file?
        > We have found a limitation regarding the conversion in the
        minifi toolkit
        > that it can only convert the .xml file template extracted
        from a Nifi
        > canvas on Java version 8, it can not do the conversion on
        java 11 that we
        > have migrated to.
        > Although extracting the flow as a template out of nifi and
        then converting
        > it to the conf.yaml file works we find it a bit cumbersome
        because we can
        > not implement it in our pipeline to automate the process.
        > By allowing the minifi toolkit to pull a flow from the Nifi
        registry and
        > then convert it will give us the functionality to add this
        in our Jenkins
        > pipeline to build individual docker containers for each of
        our flows.
        > Regards
        > Simeon
        > DevOps Engineer



    *Matthew Baine | *DevOps Engineer

    *Johannesburg Head Office*

    E: <> | M:
    +27 (0) 71053 9012 <tel:+27710539012>

    T: +27 (0) 11 100 1880 <tel:+270111001880> | W: <>

    *Skype: matthew.baine57*



*Matthew Baine | *DevOps Engineer

*Johannesburg Head Office*

E: <> | M: +27 (0) 71053 9012 <tel:+27710539012>

T: +27 (0) 11 100 1880 <tel:+270111001880> | W: <>

*Skype: matthew.baine57*

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