I'm re-rolling in order to update the Java inside to 11 in order to permit using the new Java HTTP client. This seems to work well; I fixed the bug locally.

Maybe too old to be important, but NiFi 1.14.0 is a quantum step up for several aspects of processor writing requiring refactoring. So, until we can shed the old NAR we cannot rebuild, we're stuck at NiFi 1.13.2.

On 6/7/23 15:31, Russell Bateman wrote:
I downloaded sources to 1.13.2 in order to hand-spin my own container image. When I got down to /nifi-1.13.2/nifi-docker/dockerhub/Dockerfile/, I found:


and the version is also wrong in /DockerImage.txt/ which /DockerBuild.sh/ consumes.

Indeed, the image that is built appears to be versioned 1.13.1 and not 1.13.2 when listing local Docker repository images:

    apache/nifi     1.13.1  8c18038f152a   30 minutes ago 2.06GB

Why am I juggling so ancient a version? Because I have custom processors that cannot be rebuilt (source-code gone) and will not run on 1.14.0 and later.


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