
I have examined FISHER and FISHERINV and thereby struggle about some problems.

FISHERINV(x) is not accurate for x very near to zero. For example FISHERINV(1E-15)=1.00001387379200E-015, but should result in 1E-15. That can be easily fixed by calling tanh() instead of the current (exp(2x)-1)/(exp(2x)+1).

FISHER has the same problem for x near zero. For example FISHER(0.00001)=1.00000000002953E-005, but should return 1.00000000003333E-005. The fix is easy but needs some decisions.

Mathematically FISHER(x)=atanh(x). But the OOo function ATANH() uses the same insufficient algorithm as FISHER. Therefore ATANH() has to be changed too. The best solution, using a build-in function, is not available: atanh() is a C99 function and therefore not available in MSVC compiler. The code itself is rather simple, there are two possible methods:
(1) atanh(x)=0.5*log1p(2*x/(1-x))
(2) Use the first five summands of the power series for |x|<0.01, which would be atanh(x)=x(1+x²*(1/3+x²*(1/5+x²*(1/7+x²*1/9)))) and use atanh(x)=0.5*ln((1+x)/(1-x)) in the other cases.

Two decisions are needed
1. Should atanh be implemented to ::rtl::math like it has been done for log1p and expm1?
2. Which of the two methods should be used.

Please instruct me.

kind regards

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