Hi Andy,

On Tue, 2019-12-03 at 16:46 -0800, Andreas Schaefer wrote:
> Hi
> I am running into a problem with Sling 11 on Java 8. When I launch
> Sling 11 and then install Peregrine on it everything works just fine.
> But then I restart Sling I am not able to login anymore as the login
> page will tell me that Sling is starting up. In the logs I discovered
> an OSGi cyclic dependencies which makes a health check fail and with
> it I cannot login into Sling anymore.
> Unfortunately I cannot force the login (/system/sling/form/login) as
> this does redirect back to the landing page.
> Is there a way to at least get access to the OSGi console?

Have you tried forcing basic authentication, e.g. entering


in the browser location bar?

I think that worked for me.

Additionally, does the problem still exist with the latest Sling
SNAPSHOT? If it does, please file a bug.


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