I refreshed my workspace.
I got the following error with this command:

mvn -Pyarn -Phive -Phadoop-2.4 -DskipTests install

[ERROR] bad symbolic reference. A signature in package.class refers to term
in package com.typesafe which is not available.
It may be completely missing from the current classpath, or the version on
the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling
bad symbolic reference. A signature in package.class refers to term slf4j
in value com.typesafe.scalalogging which is not available.
It may be completely missing from the current classpath, or the version on
the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling
[ERROR] package object trees extends Logging {
[ERROR]                              ^
[ERROR] two errors found

Has anyone else seen the above ?


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