setJobGroup needs fixing:

I'm interested in any community input on what the semantics or design "ought" 
to be changed to.

----- Original Message -----
> Hi spark committers
> I would like to discuss the possibility of changing the signature
> of SparkContext 's setJobGroup and clearJobGroup functions to return a
> replica of SparkContext with the job group set/unset instead of mutating
> the original context. I am building a spark job server and I am assigning
> job groups before passing control to user provided logic that uses spark
> context to define and execute a job (very much like job-server). The issue
> is that I can't reliably know when to clear the job group as user defined
> code can use futures to submit multiple tasks in parallel. In fact, I am
> even allowing users to return a future from their function on which spark
> server can register callbacks to know when the user defined job is
> complete. Now, if I set the job group before passing control to user
> function and wait on future to complete so that I can clear the job group,
> I can no longer use that SparkContext for any other job. This means I will
> have to lock on the SparkContext which seems like a bad idea. Therefore, my
> proposal would be to return new instance of SparkContext (a replica with
> just job group set/unset) that can further be used in concurrent
> environment safely. I am also happy mutating the original SparkContext just
> not break backward compatibility as long as the returned SparkContext is
> not affected by set/unset of job groups on original SparkContext.
> Thoughts please?
> Thanks,
> Aniket

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