Sure, can Jenkins use this new image too? If not then it doesn't help with
reproducing a Jenkins failure, most of which even Jenkins can't reproduce.
But if it does and it can be used for builds then that does seem like it is
reducing rather than increasing environment configurations which is good.

That's different from developer setup. Surely that is a large number of
permutations to maintain? Win, Linux, OS X at least. Whereas I have not
needed nor probably would want a whole second tool chain on my machine for
Spark... for me it doesn't solve a problem. So just wondering how many
people this will help as devs versus some apparent big maintenance

Although if this could replace the scripts that try to fetch sbt and mvn et
al that alone could save enough complexity to make it worthwhile. Would it
do that?
On Jan 21, 2015 9:09 AM, "Patrick Wendell" <> wrote:

> > If the goal is a reproducible test environment then I think that is what
> > Jenkins is. Granted you can only ask it for a test. But presumably you
> get
> > the same result if you start from the same VM image as Jenkins and run
> the
> > same steps.
> But the issue is when users can't reproduce Jenkins failures. We don't
> publish anywhere what the exact set of packages and versions is that
> is installed on Jenkins. And it can change since it's a shared
> infrastructure with other projects. So why not publish this manifest
> as a docker file and then have it run on jenkins using that image? My
> point is that this "VM image + steps" is not public anywhere.
> > I bet it is not hard to set up and maintain. I bet it is easier than a
> VM.
> > But unless Jenkins is using it aren't we just making another different
> > standard build env in an effort to standardize? If it is not the same
> then
> > it loses value as being exactly the same as the reference build env. Has
> a
> > problem come up that this solves?
> Right now the reference build env is an AMI I created and keep adding
> stuff to when Spark gets new dependencies (e.g. the version of ruby we
> need to create the docs, new python stats libraries, etc). So if we
> had a docker image, then I would use that for making the RC's as well
> and it could serve as a definitive reference for people who want to
> understand exactly what set of things they need to build Spark.
> >
> > If the goal is just easing developer set up then what does a Docker
> image do
> > - what does it set up for me? I don't know of stuff I need set up on OS X
> > for me beyond the IDE.
> There are actually a good number of packages you need to do a full
> build of Spark including a compliant python version, Java version,
> certain python packages, ruby and jekyll stuff for the docs, etc
> (mentioned a bit earlier).
> - Patrick

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