zookeeper is not a direct dependency of Spark.

Can you give a bit more detail on how the election / discovery of master
works ?


On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 7:41 PM, Christophe Schmitz <cofcof...@gmail.com>

> Hi there,
> I am trying to run a 3 node spark cluster where each nodes contains a
> spark worker and a spark maser. Election of the master happens via
> zookeeper.
> The way I am configuring it is by (on each node) giving the IP:PORT of the
> local master to the local worker, and I wish the worker could autodiscover
> the elected master automatically.
> But unfortunatly, only the local worker of the elected master registered
> to the elected master. Why aren't the other worker getting to connect to
> the elected master?
> The interessing thing is that if I kill the elected master and wait a bit,
> then the new elected master sees all the workers!
> I am wondering if I am missing something to make this happens without
> having to kill the elected master.
> Thanks!
> PS: I am on spark 1.2.2

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