Why change the number of partitions of RDDs? especially since you
can't generally do that without a shuffle. If you just mean to ramp up
and down resource usage, dynamic allocation (of executors) already
does that.

On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 10:49 PM, Muhammed Uluyol <ulu...@umich.edu> wrote:
> Hello,
> How feasible would it be to have spark speculatively increase the number of
> partitions when there is spare capacity in the system? We want to do this to
> increase to decrease application runtime. Initially, we will assume that
> function calls of the same type will have the same runtime (e.g. all maps
> take equal time) and that the runtime will scale linearly with the number of
> workers. If a numPartitions value is specified, we may increase beyond this,
> but if a Partitioner is specified, we would not change the number of
> partitions.
> Some initial questions we had:
>  * Does spark already do this?
>  * Is there interest in supporting this functionality?
>  * Are there any potential issues that we should be aware of?
>  * What changes would need to be made for such a project?
> Thanks,
> Muhammed

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