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On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 10:09 AM Sean Owen <so...@cloudera.com> wrote:

> That flood of emails means several people (Xiao, Holden mostly AFAICT)
> have been updating the status of old JIRAs. Thank you, I think that really
> does help.
> I have a suggested set of conventions I've been using, just to bring some
> order to the resolutions. It helps because JIRA functions as a huge archive
> of decisions and the more accurately we can record that the better. What do
> people think of this?
> - Resolve as Fixed if there's a change you can point to that resolved the
> issue
> - If the issue is a proper subset of another issue, mark it a Duplicate of
> that issue (rather than the other way around)
> - If it's probably resolved, but not obvious what fixed it or when, then
> Cannot Reproduce or Not a Problem
> - Obsolete issue? Not a Problem
> - If it's a coherent issue but does not seem like there is support or
> interest in acting on it, then Won't Fix
> - If the issue doesn't make sense (non-Spark issue, etc) then Invalid
> - I tend to mark Umbrellas as "Done" when done if they're just containers
> - Try to set Fix version
> - Try to set Assignee to the person who most contributed to the
> resolution. Usually the person who opened the PR. Strong preference for
> ties going to the more 'junior' contributor
> The only ones I think are sort of important are getting the Duplicate
> pointers right, and possibly making sure that Fixed issues have a clear
> path to finding what change fixed it and when. The rest doesn't matter much.

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