What would be the strategy with hive? Cherry pick patches? Update to more 
“modern” versions (like 2.3?)

I know of a few critical schema evolution fixes that we could port to hive 

From: Steve Loughran <ste...@hortonworks.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: Hadoop 3 support
To: Apache Spark Dev <dev@spark.apache.org>

On 3 Apr 2018, at 01:30, Saisai Shao 
<sai.sai.s...@gmail.com<mailto:sai.sai.s...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Yes, the main blocking issue is the hive version used in Spark (1.2.1.spark) 
doesn't support run on Hadoop 3. Hive will check the Hadoop version in the 
runtime [1]. Besides this I think some pom changes should be enough to support 
Hadoop 3.

If we want to use Hadoop 3 shaded client jar, then the pom requires lots of 
changes, but this is not necessary.


2018-04-03 4:57 GMT+08:00 Marcelo Vanzin 
Saisai filed SPARK-23534, but the main blocking issue is really SPARK-18673.

On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 1:00 PM, Reynold Xin 
<r...@databricks.com<mailto:r...@databricks.com>> wrote:
> Does anybody know what needs to be done in order for Spark to support Hadoop
> 3?

To be ruthless, I'd view Hadoop 3.1 as the first one to play with...3.0.x was 
more of a wide-version check. Hadoop 3.1RC0 is out this week, making it the 
ideal (last!) time to find showstoppers.

1. I've got a PR which adds a profile to build spark against hadoop 3, with 
some fixes for zk import along with better hadoop-cloud profile


Apply that and patch and both mvn and sbt can build with the RC0 from the ASF 
staging repo:

build/sbt -Phadoop-3,hadoop-cloud,yarn -Psnapshots-and-staging

2. Everything Marcelo says about hive.

You can build hadoop locally with a -Dhadoop.version=2.11 and the hive 
1.2.1.-spark version check goes through. You can't safely bring up HDFS like 
that, but you can run spark standalone against things

Some strategies

Short term: build a new hive-1,2.x-spark which fixes up the version check and 
merges in those critical patches that cloudera, hortoworks, databricks, + 
anyone else has got in for their production systems. I don't think we have that 

That leaves a "how to release" story, as the ASF will want it to come out under 
the ASF auspices, and, given the liability disclaimers, so should everyone. The 
Hive team could be "invited" to publish it as their own if people ask nicely.

Long term
 -do something about that subclassing to get the thrift endpoint to work. That 
can include fixing hive's service to be subclass friendly.
 -move to hive 2

That' s a major piece of work.

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