Structured Streaming supports standard SQL as the batch queries, so the
users can switch their queries between batch and streaming easily. Could
you clarify what problems SqlStreaming solves and what are the benefits of
the new syntax?

Best Regards,

On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 7:06 PM, JackyLee <> wrote:

> Hello
> Nowadays, more and more streaming products begin to support SQL streaming,
> such as KafaSQL, Flink SQL and Storm SQL. To support SQL Streaming can not
> only reduce the threshold of streaming, but also make streaming easier to
> be
> accepted by everyone.
> At present, StructStreaming is relatively mature, and the StructStreaming
> is
> based on DataSet API, which make it possibal to  provide a SQL portal for
> structstreaming and run structstreaming in SQL.
> To support for SQL Streaming, there are two key points:
> 1, Analysis should be able to parse streaming type SQL.
> 2, Analyzer should be able to map metadata information to the corresponding
> Relation.
> Running StructStreaming in SQL can bring some benefits.
> 1, Reduce the entry threshold of StructStreaming and attract users more
> easily.
> 2, Encapsulate the meta information of source or sink into table, maintain
> and manage uniformly, and make users more accessible.
> 3. Metadata permissions management, which is based on hive, can control
> StructStreaming's overall authority management scheme more closely.
> We have found some ways to solve this problem. It's a pleasure to discuss
> it
> with you.
> Thanks,
> Jackey Lee
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